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What is a Process Server?

If you’ve ever been involved in legal proceedings, you may have heard the term “process server.” But what exactly is a process server, and what role do they play in the legal system? At Accurate Serve, your trusted process service agency in Dallas, Texas, we’re here to demystify this important profession and explain how our services can make a significant difference in your legal matters.

The Role of a Process Server

A process server is a vital component of the legal process. They are responsible for delivering legal documents to individuals involved in a lawsuit or legal action. These documents can include subpoenas, summons, complaints, court orders, and other important notices. The process server’s primary goal is to ensure that these documents are delivered accurately and in accordance with the law. Continue reading

Reasons You Need a Process Server

If you’ve ever had to serve legal papers or perform a diligent search, you know that these are not easy tasks to handle on your own. Even if you have the knowledge of Texas’ process service laws, your time and energy would be better used elsewhere when you have the professionals at Accurate Serve of Dallas at your disposal!

But why do you need a process server? Here are compelling reasons why engaging a professional process service agency like Accurate Serve of Dallas is your best bet: Continue reading

The Things Process Servers are NOT Authorized to Do

Accurate Serve of Dallas, as a reputable process service agency, understands the importance of adhering to legal guidelines and maintaining ethical standards in our profession. We take pride in our commitment to delivering reliable and efficient process service to our clients in Dallas, Texas. In this post, we aim to shed light on the limitations and boundaries of process servers by discussing the things they are not authorized to do. Understanding these limitations is crucial for both clients and servers to avoid issues in legal proceedings.

Providing Legal Advice

One of the most important things to note is that process servers are not authorized to provide legal advice. While they play a pivotal role in delivering legal documents, their expertise lies in serving papers and ensuring legal compliance, rather than offering legal counsel. Clients should consult with an attorney to obtain legal advice regarding their specific case and seek professional guidance. Continue reading

A Complete Guide to the Legal Service of Process in Texas

Accurate Serve® of Dallas, a reputable process service agency based in Dallas, Texas, is committed to providing accurate and efficient legal service of process to clients throughout the state. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to shed light on the essential aspects of the legal service of process in Texas. Understanding the intricacies of this crucial step in the legal system can help individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of civil litigation and ensure a fair and just legal process.

Legal Service of Process in Texas

Legal service of process in Texas refers to the official delivery of legal documents, such as summons, complaints, subpoenas, and court orders, to individuals involved in a legal proceeding. It is a critical aspect of due process, ensuring that all parties are properly informed of the legal action against them and have an opportunity to respond. Continue reading

What is Important to Have to Get the Most Out of Your Process Server?

Hiring a process server is an important part of many legal proceedings. Without proper service of process, legal cases can come to a grinding halt until due process is fulfilled. To ensure that your process server can do their job effectively, it’s essential to provide them with the right tools and resources. In this post, we’ll talk about what you need to get the most out of your process server.

Clear Instructions

The first step in getting the most out of your process server is to provide clear and accurate instructions. This includes providing them with all the necessary information about the person or entity you are trying to serve, such as their name, address, and any other relevant details. It’s also important to communicate any specific requirements or instructions, such as a time frame for service or any special circumstances that may affect the delivery of the documents. For example, it’s important to let a process server know about all parties involved in a child custody case before they attempt service, as they will want to avoid delivering these types of documents with children present. Continue reading

What is an Affidavit of Service?

At Accurate Serve® of Dallas, one of the documents we often handle is the Affidavit of Service. This document is crucial to legal proceedings and serves as proof that a party has been properly notified of legal action being taken against them. In this post, we will explore what an Affidavit of Service is and why it is important.

What is an Affidavit of Service?

An Affidavit of Service is a legal document that verifies that a party has been served with legal documents, such as a summons or complaint. It is also known as a Proof of Service, Service Affidavit, or Return of Service. The document is typically completed by the process server, who is responsible for serving the legal documents to the recipient. Continue reading

6 Qualities to Look for Before Hiring A Process Server

Process servers are individuals who play a crucial role in the legal system. They are responsible for delivering legal documents to the parties involved in a court case. This can include subpoenas, summons, and complaints, among other types of legal paperwork.

Hiring a process server can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with the legal system. However, with a little research, you can hire a process server who will provide excellent service. In this post, we’ll go over our top six qualities to look for before hiring a process server. If you want to skip the research and go with Dallas County’s premier process service agency, call Accurate Serve of Dallas at 469-518-9581 or send us a work request online. Continue reading

Can Process Servers Use Technology to Serve Papers?

Some states have struggled to keep up with the times when deciding how process may and may not be served there, but Texas has done better than most. With the enactment of new laws on 1/1/2021, process for certain lower court cases may be served by electronic means, including social media, email, and other technology. This is a revolutionary stance on upholding citizens’ right to due process while also considering the ease and convenience of finding defendants who are only available online.

Approval is Required

While Texas law now allows electronic delivery of process, it still must be approved ahead of time by a judge. This is likely because they do not want electronic delivery to be the first way a process server attempts to make contact with the process recipient. Once the server has made several attempts to locate the recipient in person, assuming they can prove that the recipient is digitally present and available, they may request electronic delivery of process. Continue reading

How to Provide Proof of Process Service

Even after the court process has been handed off to a defendant or witness, the process server’s job still is not complete. The last step of the serving process is completing the proof of service and filing it with the appropriate court. In Texas, this is known as a Return of Service, and it must contain very specific information to be valid. While the return of service should be filed in the original case file at the court, the case is not affected if it is not.

Texas Return of Service Required Contents

In Texas, a valid and complete Return of Service should include: Continue reading

What a Document Retrieval Company Can Do For Your Law Firm

When you operate a law firm, you’re always looking for ways to cut costs and enhance service delivery. You never want to cut salaries or benefits for your employees, so it’s important to make sure you’re being as cost- and time-efficient as possible in other areas. One part of litigating cases that can become a real money and time sink is handling documentation.

Each case requires a unique set of documents. When your firm handles dozens, or even hundreds, of cases at once, all those documents can get misfiled, shuffled around, or even completely lost. That means you have to take time to find the document or request it from the source again, adding time and expense to the entire case.

Stop drowning in paperwork by using the services of a professional document retrieval company, like Accurate Serve of Dallas. We can add value to your law firm with meaningful document retrieval services that: Continue reading