(469) 225-0451

Is Your Process Server a Fake?

Legal proceedings are a common occurrence here in Dallas, making the role of a process server crucial to keep the court system flowing smoothly. At Accurate Serve® of Dallas, we understand how important it is to have reliable and lawful process servers available to ensure the legal system operates fairly and efficiently. Unfortunately, bad actors have tainted the industry with unscrupulous practices. This post aims to shed light on how to identify an authentic process server versus a fraudulent one.

Understanding the Role of a Process Server

Process servers are legal support professionals tasked with delivering legal documents such as subpoenas, summons, complaints, and other court-related documents to parties involved in the legal proceedings. Process servers are required to adhere to strict legal standards when performing their job, governed by both federal and state law. The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure outline the roles and responsibilities of process servers here in the Lone Star State.

Red Flags of a Fake Process Server

If you’re approached by a process server, or if you’re seeking out a server to serve process in a case you have filed, watch out for the following red flags:

Lack of Identification and/or JBCC Certification

In Texas, process servers must be certified by the Judicial Branch Certification Commission (JBCC). A legitimate process server should be able to provide proof of certification upon request. Additionally, process servers should always carry valid identification, and if working under the umbrella of an agency, should also carry documentation verifying that affiliation.

Unfamiliarity with Legal Procedures

Process servers should know the ins and outs of serving process here in Texas. If they can’t answer basic questions about the industry, be suspicious of their intentions. A few quick questions may tell you all you need to know about the server’s authenticity.

Requesting Unusual Payments

A genuine process server will never ask for money from the recipient of the documents. They will also never claim that paying them a certain amount will have the case dismissed. If you encounter either request, it’s a significant red flag that should be reported to law enforcement immediately.

Inappropriate Behavior

Professionalism is a key tenet of process serving. Any type of inappropriate behavior, from aggression to harassment to impersonating law enforcement, should warrant suspicion of fraud and be reported immediately.

The Accurate Serve Difference

At Accurate Serve of Dallas, we pride ourselves on being one of Texas’ most reliable process service agencies. Our team of JBCC-approved process servers ensures that every page of process is served with the utmost professionalism and in strict compliance with federal and state law. We understand the nuances of serving process here in Texas and ensure that our services meet and exceed these requirements.

More Than Just Process Service

Outside of process service, we offer a range of legal support services to assist our neighbors here in Dallas with their legal endeavors, including:

Legitimate Dallas Process Servers at Accurate Serve

Dealing with a fake server will cost you time, money, and could even damage your reputation. Don’t fall for a fake process server’s tricks…go straight for Dallas’ premier team of process servers at Accurate Serve of Dallas. Contact us at (469) 518-9581 or submit a work request online today!